MonaLisa Touch

MonaLisa Touch Specialist
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MonaLisa Touch Q & A
Frequently Asked Questions
What is vaginal atrophy?
Vaginal atrophy is a condition that causes the tissues of the vagina to become thin, dry, and less elastic, resulting in inflammation and pain, especially during intercourse. Vaginal atrophy most commonly occurs when your levels of estrogen and progesterone decline during menopause, resulting in a subsequent decline of collagen and elastin, naturally occurring substances that help keep your vagina healthy, firm, and lubricated.
Vaginal atrophy can also cause the pH level in your vagina to change, making you more prone to infections, while the loss of firmness and elasticity can result in symptoms of urinary incontinence.
What is MonaLisa Touch?
MonaLisa Touch is a laser-based device that’s designed specifically for the treatment of vaginal atrophy. The device has a wand-shaped handpiece that’s inserted into the vagina. The wand emits controlled bursts of laser energy in a 360-degree pattern, penetrating the vaginal walls and stimulating collagen and elastin production deep within the vaginal tissues.
Collagen and elastin remodeling begins immediately and continues for weeks, helping your vagina rebuild its elasticity while improving your body’s production of natural lubricants and balancing your pH levels.